By Will McGuirk
“Our thinking is so polarized these days, there's no room for nuance or complexity. It’s sad really, because beauty and growth reside in these in-between areas.” - Nathan Lawr connecting people who make things and make things happen
By Will McGuirk
“Our thinking is so polarized these days, there's no room for nuance or complexity. It’s sad really, because beauty and growth reside in these in-between areas.” - Nathan Lawr
By Will McGuirk
Its the music, it moves us all, the common bond which binds our feet in dance, I advocate for orchestras to be at the forefront of the revolution.
"When in the future we recall Saint Patrick’s Day 2021, let us have returned with even more energy to music as we lift the glass slowly, and replenish it even slower. Music and creativity were our resource in the pandemic, and in the music of the heart is rehearsed that for which words are insufficient, feídearachtaí ag heitheamh dúinn – forms of renewal, possibilities rehearsed, journeys to wonder and new places."
- President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins
“When I play on my fiddle in Dooney, Folk dance like a wave of the sea” - W.B. Yeats
“When you better yourself, you better the world. Even if you only interact with one person in your life, the effect of trying to see things for what they are is vast. Change can feel like a fantasy, but I’m not fatalistic about it. I make music because I get results that way. It’s why I promote creativity, whatever that means for anyone.” - Yves Jarvis
“Crab Walking” is less a lament for times disappeared than it is a unifying call for the present. “Old haunts and landmarks that once were and are no longer. Conjuring good memories of good times” - Jason Collett
“Despite how badly you can be treated by someone, sometimes we refuse to see ourselves being with anyone else.” - Ariel Posen
“I almost didn’t put it on the record because it is so close to the bone it almost feels too self indulgent, but it was my intention to write a song that felt more vulnerable than anything I had ever written before.” - Jehnny Beth