By Will McGuirk
Badge Époque Ensemble at Lee's Palace Saturday Nov 5 2022. Tickets here. connecting people who make things and make things happen
By Will McGuirk
Badge Époque Ensemble at Lee's Palace Saturday Nov 5 2022. Tickets here.
By Will McGuirk
I was watching an ad for No Frills, a video by Scott Cudmore and I started thinking about art, because that ad is art and how art is reinterpretation of life, art is a question of what is and who we are and who we are as art and there is a further story about how who we think we are can be reinterpreted as pixels for one or paint daubs for another. Who will you trust to reinterpret you? Who will you trust to re-constitute you? Would you even let go of your ego? But while I ponder here are tonight’s guests.
“This song is about the perils of falling for a poet, and just how rare it is to find true love.” - Lynee Hanson
“Directed by Amelia Curran and shot during the recording of my latest album, Sweet Marie, the video for "Hands on Fire" is a celebration of collaboration and the song itself embodies the struggles and joys of creating something.” - Erin Costelo
“This song is a celebration of me finding my way to womanhood and because of that, opening my arms to love.” - LIA
"During that period of 180 days, I often wondered what it would be like if I ever reached the other side; a seemingly unattainable goal. This song is an homage to that dream-like period." - Ada Lea
Badge Époque Ensemble, photo by Colin Medley