By Will McGuirk
“These days, I don't have time to waste, so I’m getting better at determining early on who/what is worth investing my time into. This song focuses on the fact that I know I'm a prize, so act right, or you'll miss out." - Haviah Mighty
“It’s definitely one of the most introspective songs on the album. I guess it’s a very mature version of myself who wrote this, hah. It’s about accepting and coming to terms with the fact that a relationship has come to its end. It’s about moving on, letting go, and feeling okay about it." - Geoffroy
“It's the feeling of like, once you've gotten over your heart hurting for someone else that it's not even about them anymore - it's about you. Your longing to not feel crushed anymore. It's almost this pathetic request to feel ok, to feel loved.” - Felly
“For me this album and the sum of its parts are a discovery of that bigger and truer sense of “me”. The title which came from a dream and stuck, could be my charmed reaction upon realizing that. Like I’ve just heard the final masters and blurt out, “Well, good! I’ve always wanted to be me!” - Dave Monks