By Will McGuirk
“As we weave our way through this complicated thing called life, we can oscillate between an illuminated state of awareness in which the senses are fully engaged and a state of darkness where it is difficult to decipher even what is right in front of us.“ - Marcus Paquin
“Human to human and all the inner biological electricity involved, human to technology to human and the electricity involved there. Also about everything else in between that we cannot perceive that’s at work, like when you think about someone out of nowhere so deeply and intensely while driving, and get a text from them, or see them walking down the street.” - Sam Sarty, Living Hour
“It’s about all the funny and frustrating things I’ve been told to do and be in order to be successful. Be an undiscovered gem with the talent of a veteran, be a starving artist but release tons of music, know everyone, but be mysterious, create tons of online content while you feed your creativity, and perhaps most insidious, be self-made and stay young!” - Zoe Sky Jordan