By Will McGuirk
“‘Headrush’ is about wanting to go back to a moment and be completely present. Back to that summer day I didn’t realize was heaven until it had passed, only grasping its potency in retrospect.” - Georgia Harmer connecting people who make things and make things happen
By Will McGuirk
“‘Headrush’ is about wanting to go back to a moment and be completely present. Back to that summer day I didn’t realize was heaven until it had passed, only grasping its potency in retrospect.” - Georgia Harmer
By Will McGuirk
Slow living, living slow, indoors out of the fray, but slowly little by little, breath by breath the words fade and fall and slowly, breath by breath, one by one we will become two by two then. . .
"For me, this song is about connecting. It's a reminder to have patience and to know that in time all wounds are healed. There are moments, especially now, when we can't be with those we love, but we can always reach out. We will find ways to be with one another, in person, virtually or spiritually" - Catherine MacLellan
“Most of our songs are about other people; it’s exhilarating to sing such a personal song. It’s a release, a permission to be frank about the outward charade I can create, and what it is I desire - ease, smiles, love. Knowing that love - especially for myself - is the channel that guides me best. The yodel at the end is so me at my core, when I’m feeling great and relieved.” - Pharis
“To me it reflects the spiralling of our current predicament and how easy it is to be lost in our collective mad descent, while still being lovingly engaged and aware of our situation.” - Shawn Hall
By Will McGuirk Catherine-MacLellan-credit-Millefiore-Clarkes.jpg
Wake me up when September ends, what!?! Wake me up when September starts, new music coming, who can keep up, we can because we dig, we dig it because we care and so do the good folks making all of this, and thats the lesson for this new semester, the future is unwritten, this is not your father’s future, its yours and the future has never been so unknown so make of it what you will, the old ways are crumbling, the world itself may be crumbling, and if we are going to rebuild we are going to need all the creative voices we can muster.