By Will McGuirk
Villages at the Legendary Horseshoe Tavern Friday Mar 24 2023. Tickets here. connecting people who make things and make things happen
By Will McGuirk
Villages at the Legendary Horseshoe Tavern Friday Mar 24 2023. Tickets here.
By Will McGuirk
“Evolution in and of itself is a patient act. Our pursuit of the individual self, which comprises all realms of human emotion, is sweetened with the intention and act of patience from ourselves, from those that we love and those who love us.” - Raphaelle Standell-Preston, Braids
By Will McGuirk
“That moment when you see the mistakes you keep making, but can’t seem to change the pattern like the lyrics say, ‘with all the lights above me, I only see that shadow cast below.’ “ - Birds of Bellwoods
“We all have those moments where you just want to drop everything and leave it all behind. “Love Will Live On” is a daydream on just how good it could be if you actually did it.” - Villages
“It’s a broad stroke of what intolerance and shame can create in a bible-belt, prairie town. Lots of imagery from my childhood, church and the bottom of a glass.” - Mariel Buckley